Some of our references
MS Bergen Surveyor
Streamer winch, spooling device and control system.
RV Geolog Dimitiry Nalivkin
Streamer winch.
MS Seisquest
Two aux. winches.
MS Oceanic Pheniox
Streamer winches, wide tow winches and control system.
MS Ramform Challenger
Two aux. winches.
MS Geowave Commander
Streamer winches, wide tow winches and control system.
MS Geowave Champion
Streamer winches, wide tow winches, aux. winches and control system.
MS Caspian Maria
Streamer winches, traction machine and aux. winches.
MS Ocean Pearl
Streamer winches, spooling system, winches and control system.
MS Polarstern
Streamer winch, power pack and control system.
MS Akademik Shatskiy
Streamer storage winch.
MS Polar Duke
Aux. winch.
MS Akademik Lazarev
Spooling device, power pack.
MS Oceanic Vega
Magnet winch.
MS Sanco Star
Streamer winches, aux. winches, power pack and control system.
MS GeoArctic
Spooling device and power pack.
MS Geco Emarald
Tagline winches.
MS WG Amundsen
Multi sheave spooling blocks.